About Us

Slices of watermelon representing the colors of the Palestine with the words, our Mission, pertaining to About Us.

Our Mission

Here is a little bit about us. We are Americans who can no longer look away from the prolonged injustice occurring in Palestine. Also, we cannot accept our country’s role in funding, providing international diplomatic cover, and being complicit in these atrocities.

Our mission is to build and promote an education tool exposing the injustice and common myths in Palestine. This tool needs to be easy to understand and easy to share through “electronic word of mouth” to an untapped audience. This tool will be comprehensive, digestible, and credible:

●     Comprehensive means providing enough information for the reader to make a solid judgment in one viewing.

●     Digestible means just the highlights, short paragraphs, and bullet points absorbed in thirty minutes or less. 

●     Creditable means well-sourced facts.

●     “Electronic Word of Mouth” means sending links to this website to family and friends through social media, texts, and emails. 

●     The Untapped Audience are the older Americans whose views on Israel and Palestine might be deeply rooted and who would not normally seek out this kind of information.

Slices of watermelon representing the colors of the Palestine with the words, our values, pertaining to About Us.

Our Values

●     Include only credible well sourced information.

●     Separate the facts from the analysis.

●     Recognize Israel’s right to exist.

●     Recognize Palestine’s right to exist.

Slices of watermelon representing the colors of the Palestine with the words, Is this site antisemitic?, pertaining to About Us.

Is this Site Antisemitic?

Short Answer

The short answer is No because this site focuses criticism on the government of Israel. It is also worth noting that not all of the citizens of Israel are Jewish and agree with the government’s policies and actions. Furthermore, many of Israel’s citizens protest against the government of Israel.

Additionally, this site does not challenge the existence of Israel. It questions the government of Israel’s quest for 100% sovereignty over all of Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian people. The Palestinians should have some legitimate portion of the land for themselves.

Long Answer

We have considered that two factors could lead to questions of antisemitism: (1) the imbalance of the criticisms toward the government of Israel, and 2) the fact that this site focuses on just Israel and not the other areas of the globe. We will address both possibilities:

1) Certainly, we could add more details on the Palestinian side regarding the suicide bombings and rockets. However, doing so would make this site twice as long with topics that have already been well covered in the mainstream news sources. This site wants to highlight issues not discussed much in the U.S. media.

Also, the Palestinians haven’t done anything of the magnitude of the Nakba, the 56-year occupation, or flattening of the Gaza Strip. Of course, this site could be more balanced in the number of bullet points but not in magnitude of events.

Further, a balanced criterion would not be fair because some things are true regardless of balance. For example, climate change is real. Occupying Palestine is wrong.

2) Why does this site focus on Palestine and not the other areas of the world? The U.S. government’s complicity in the government of Israel’s actions drove the creation of this site. The U.S. government and media misled the public. The truth needs to come out to facilitate change. It all needs to stop!

Key Resources

●     B’Tselem

●     Euromonitor International

●     The Foundation for Middle East Peace

●     Jewish Voice for Peace

●     United Natons – The Question of Palestine

Contact Us

If you want to know a little more about us or have any concerns about your work being misrepresented or infringing on a copyright, please contact us at the below email address, so we can make necessary corrections.


The first project of Palestine Publishing LLC (registered in the state of Delaware) is this website. We will focus solely on content regarding Palestine statehood. To clarify, we are in no way affiliated or connected to any company publishing books for kids or adults.
